Friday, April 9, 2010


UNBELIEVABLE! There are only 35 days until our wedding and I'm very excited! I am so grateful to have such awesome family and friends around to help and support me during this time and I am so grateful to have a great man that loves me. I never thought that in a million years I would find someone who loves me as much as Chris does. Please pray that everything continues to go good in this area (planning and all the stuff that goes along with getting married.)

IN OTHER NEWS: Chris and I are in the process of closing on our house! I'm so excited and things seem to be going smoothly thus far. Chris and Daddy are going over on Tuesday to be there for the inspection. Our house is beautiful and I still get butterflies when I refer to it as "our house". I can't wait to be/have a family with him! :) Please pray that everything continues to go smoothly and that we have a place to call home after we are married. (and to put all of our shower gifts in! ha!)

WORK: Is actually going very well for me lately and I feel like I'm making progress with a few of my clients (which makes me feel great... sometimes I don't feel like I'm getting anywhere!) Please pray for me AND my clients. I pray for them on a daily basis and truly don't think I could do my job without prayer...

DISAPPOINTMENTS: Gosh... it seems like I've been glued to the television for the past week. I was hoping dearly that the rescuers would be able to find the 4 remaining miners of the Big Branch Mining Disaster alive and well but that didn't happen. They will be in my mind for a while now and I'll keep praying for their families... they will continue to need it.

Hope this blog found everyone happy and healthy!

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